International Software Consulting Network LTD, Ireland [ISCN]

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The ISCN role in VALO

ISCN will manage the technology configurations of the existing LMS systems, to create an online European learning platform for the new profession/job role in Europe, and to integrate this with ECQA. ISCN has helped many companies (SMEs as well as large multinationals) to become a learning organisation with online learning and tutoring as the key factor. ISCN will support, as the technology provider of ECQA, the flawless integration of the new profession to the ECQA Framework. ISCN will coordinate the integration of the skill set and configuration of the exam system and train the partners in using the ECQA IT-Infrastructure. ISCN as one of the leading consulting and training organisations in the field of information technology will share its experience with the consortium As the coordinator of EuroSPI, ISCN will guarantee that the project results will be disseminated to approx. 20000 IT and service managers in Europe