Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece [ATEI] [VALO Project Coordinator]

For more information on ATEI please visit: For more information on ATEI please visit:

The ATEI role in VALO

The ATEI of Thessaloniki is the project leader with several years of experience of managing and/or participating in many EU projects (Tempus, Grundtvig, Socrates and Leonardo) as well as several ECQA projects (SIMS, SOCIRES, dEUCert, EUCert ) and the Digital Marketing (DiVa) project. ATEI and the participating staff are members of ECQA. ATEI will act as an expert partner having substantial relevant expertise in project management, QA, e-learning, social media, e-marketing and cultural diversity. The involved members of academic staff have considerable experience in managing, leading and carrying out QA and dissemination activities from a number of EU LLP and national projects related to Careers and Entrepreneurship. They have a big network related to the labour market and have long experience in developing teaching material from previous projects and over 20 years of high-level teaching in both traditional and e-learning environments. They will have overarching project co-ordination responsibility and will contribute substantially to curriculum development, preparation of learning material and exam questions as well as QA and dissemination activities.