
Valorisation Expert Syllabus (VALO project)

Course material was developed in order to produce units of learning with outcomes containing international working skills that can be integrated in ECQA. The Valorisation Syllabus proposed and developed within the frame of the VALO project consists of 13 Elements aiming to give the learner an overall knowledge about innovation; how to recognise, exploit, disseminate and get value from it. Thus it starts with giving an introduction to valorisation and end with giving an understanding of issues relevant to Intellectual property Rights. The syllabus consists of 4 Units (U). Each Unit is comprises of several Elements (E). This is in consistency with ECQA. This structure can be found in the Skill Card (Syllabus), Training Material, Multiple Chose Questions, On-line self assessment, Exams and Certifications.

The Units and Elements in the Valorisation Job-role are the following:

1. Introduction to Valorisation U1.E1

2. Innovation U1.E2

3. Broad and Deep Dissemination U2.E1

4. Dissemination Strategy U2.E2

5. Creating Stakeholder Value U3.E1

6. Sustainability U3.E2

7. Mainstreaming U3.E3

8. Exploitation Strategy U3.E4

9. Diffusion U4.E1

10. Communication to Potential Stakeholders U4.E2

11. Valorisation Channels: Formal and Informal Valorisation U4.E3

12. Valorisation Tools (Cluster Building, Open Innovation, etc.) U4.E4

13. Intellectual Property Rights U4.E5

ECQA adopts a credit accumulation scheme (similar to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)) whereby trainees choose to attend the whole or part of the course. They can choose the elements they are mostly interested in to study in-depth with the view of achieving a high score and obtaining a certificate in their chosen elements. Those trainees that achieve 66% or more in all 13 elements have the opportunity to become future Valorisation trainers