European Union Lifelong Learning Programme


The EU LLP Philosophy, Funding and Educational reforms

The European Union Lifelong Learning Programme (EU LLP) was designed with a twofold intention:

  1. To enable people, at any stage of their life, to take part in stimulating learning experiences (Lifelong Learning) and
  2. In developing education and training across member states of the European Union.

The EU LLP was an umbrella programme running from 2007-2013, which encompassed and integrated a variety of educational and training initiatives. Objectives were realized through Actions, which focused on supporting exchanges and connections between people, institutions and countries in education and training within the EU. The EU LLP defined this as the “European Dimension” of education and training.

Aim of the EU LLP Programme:

to contribute through lifelong learning to the development of the Community as an advanced knowledge society, with sustainable economic development, more and better jobs and greater social cohesion”. In particular, it aims “to foster interchange, cooperation and mobility between education and training systems within the Community so that they become a world quality reference.

The Lifelong Learning Programme was an integrated programme, composed of six sub-programmes, including Leonardo da Vinci, which provided for vocational education and training from which the VALO Project was funded.

Lifelong learning includes initial education for disadvantaged groups, continuing education and training for well-qualified graduates and post-retirement opportunities for cultural enrichment – and is subject to considerable local, regional and national interpretation (EUA, 2008). The challenge involves ensuring continuing opportunities for learners throughout their lives. Expanding the range of learners becomes a key strategic issue.